Lilac Breasted Roller

Via Bing Free Imagines

Hey guys, so today I will be talking about a bird called the Lilac Breasted Roller. I honestly think that it is a really pretty bird. So I hope you guys enjoy my post.

As you can see this bird has a big amount of colors and seems pretty small. It is usually about 14.5 inches and has a short neck with small feet. It has a very sharp beak which is also hooked-tipped. They have very large wings for a bird that small and strong flight. The base colors of the bird are mostly green and blue. It also has some black and a darker pink.

The Lilac Breasted Roller feeds on grasshoppers, beetles, and sometimes lizards, crabs or small amphibians. They mostly feed on prey that is on the ground. It lives in mostly grasslands and open woods where some palm trees grow. They are usually found throughout eastern and southern Africa but can also be found in the Red Sea coasts of Ethiopia and northwest Somalia and the Angola coast and northern South Africa. They also live in pairs or small groups, but usually, are seen alone.

Click here to read more and click here to see a video of the Lilac Breasted Roller being fed.

I hope you guys enjoyed my posts! Let me know other animals that most people don’t know about. Bye!

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