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Today I will be talking to you about the Hoatzin. I hope you enjoy!

Hoatzin is turkey-like bird that cannot be easily classified due to many specific features. It looks like a bird related to cuckoos, pheasants and ancient prehistoric bird. They are allocated to a separate family called Opisthocomidae. These birds can be found only in South America, ranging from Guyana and Ecuador, to Brazil, Bolivia and Orinoco, near the oxbow lakes in the Amazon jungle. They can reach 25 inches in length and 1.78 pounds of weight.

They have a long neck, small head with a reddish-brown crest, and blue facial skin with red eyes. Its body is covered with dark and light brown feathers combined with white and yellow feathers.  They also have long tail composed of ten, loosely attached feathers. This bird is a very clumsy bird. It spends most of their time near the water and on the branched of the surrounding trees.

Although they have wings they rarely fly. Unlike other flying birds, its pectoral muscles are poorly developed. One of the reasons is that its crop is overly developed and takes more place than in other birds. They eat different kinds of green plants such as leaves of arum, legume trees and other succulent plants. they spend 4 hours a day eating. It eats in the early morning and late evening hours.

Click here to find out more about Hoatzin and click here  to watch a video about a Hoatzin.

I hope you guys enjoyed! Bye!

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