Dumbo Octopus

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Today I will be writing about the Dumbo Octopus. I hope you enjoy!


One of the most obvious characteristics of the dumbo octopuses is their rounded ears sticking out the sides of their heads. No other types of octopus have these and their ears are quite large so they look similar to elephant ears. These ears are from the famous Disney character, Dumbo which is how they got their name. They are also sometimes called the winged octopi because their ears look like wings. Just the way that Dumbo was able to fly.

It might look like ears or wings however it’s actually fins. Just like fish dumbo octopi use their fins to swim by flapping the fins to float above the ocean floor and move in different directions. That’s the main way they swim around to conserve energy, although they can also swim around via jet propulsion like other octopi swallowing a large amount of water and then letting it out all at once to push the octopus forward quickly. They can also crawl across the ocean floor.

Dumbo octopi are also called jellyheads because of their soft bodies. Their soft bodies tend to shrink out of the water, just like the infamous blobfish. The dumbo octopi live in the deep oceans from 9,800 to 23,000 feet deep. They also come in different colors such as white, red, brown and pink. They can also change color to camouflage against the ocean floor.

Click here to learn more about dumb o octopi and click here to watch a video about the dumbo octopi.

I hope you guys enjoyed! Bye!


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