My Favorite TV Series!

Hey, guys today I will be talking about my favorite tv series called Supernatural. Ever since I was introduced to this I got really attached to it. Which is about these two brothers named Sam and Dean Winchester. Dean is the older brother and Sam is the younger brother. They are hunters which means they Read More…

A-Z of Science Words

Hey, guys today I’m going to be doing A-Z of words to do with science. I will put the definition and make one paragraph about which was my favorite word and the second paragraph will be about my second favorite word and why. Hope you enjoy. A- Atom: the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a nucleus containing combinations of neutrons and protons and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus by electrical attraction; the number of protons determines the identity of the element. B-Biologist: Read More…

My Best Work This Trimester!

Hey, guys today I will be talking about my best work in trimester one. Hope you guys enjoy! First one is my Language Arts work which was a Marine Debris Project with a partner. Press here to go to my work. We had to think of an idea to make the world a cleaner place. Read More…

The Chronicles of Narnia!

Hey, guys so today I’m going to be giving you a book review. This book is about “The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe”. It’s about these four siblings that had to be sent away from War. They were sent to this really old house where a professor lived. One day they discovered Read More…

Guess the Disney Movie Emoji Quiz!(Includes Answers)

Hey, guys today I have an emoji quiz for you. Try to guess all of them correctly. Good Luck! 1.💇+🦎+👑+☀️=? 2.🔍+🐠=? 3.🐝🐛🐌🐞🐜🕷=? 4.🦁🐗🌅=? 5.🐶🍝❤️🐶=? 6.🐠🐚🐟🦀🍴🌊=? 7.🐭🎡🐘=? 8.⬆️🎈👴👦🐶🐦=? 9. 🐍🐻🐯🐺👦📔=? 10.😄😡😱😭🤢=?           Answers 1.Tangled 2.Finding Nemo 3. A Bug’s Life 4. The Lion King 5. The Lady and the Tramp 6. The Read More…